Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Welcome Here!

I'm so glad you are visiting my blog. My Grandfather would heartily say to you, "Welcome Here!", and so I welcome you! I am the soap maker for Greenfield Soap Co., and this blog is one way I hope to be available to friends and family and fans of Greenfield Soap Co.

Greenfield Soap Co. is dedicated to the memory of my grandparents, David and Kathrina, who lived well and simply in a small house. They laughed a lot and their gentleness was evident; I believe they learned to walk joyfully through life, with thanksgiving*...

My Grandmother did not teach me how to make soap, though she made it on a regular basis out of necessity years ago. I remember how youthful she looked; her skin was soft and creamy, and this has been a bit of a curiosity for me as I've experienced various skin sensitivities and troubles over the years. Thankfully, it is becoming clear that the chemically-based ingredients present in many modern day skincare products are detrimental, and in my own quest to find helpful products for sensitive skin, I've discovered the power and beauty of a simpler, more natural way.

And that is why I make Greenfield Soap Co.'s beautiful bars of soap thoughtfully and carefully, in small batches with naturally occurring and plant-based ingredients only. I do NOT use artificial colorings or synthetic preservatives or fragrances, and I make Greenfield Soap using the cold process method, so each bar retains glycerin, a naturally occurring moisturizer. Each bar of Greenfield Soap also contains a high percentage of olive oil for its moisturizing, healing, and gentle cleansing qualities. Coconut oil imparts a generous lathering quality, and palm oil helps to make the soap long-lasting and stable. It is my desire and joy to infuse each bar of Greenfield Soap with nature's aroma and conditioning qualities, and the results are beautiful bars of soap,
gentle and sudsy and especially good for sensitive skin!

If you have questions or a special request or you wish to give a unique gift to honor a special occasion, please don't hesitate to communicate your ideas. I am willing to personalize labels, and I have some great gift-wrapping options as well. Just ask! Your feedback and suggestions are also important to me, so please stay in touch. I would love to hear from you about your Greenfield Soap experiences!

Do keep in my that soap likes to live "high and dry", so please keep your Greenfield Soaps in well-draining soap dishes throughout your home. And when you walk by or stop to lather up, may they be a reminder to you of good things. May
you walk joyfully, with thanksgiving where you are, and
may all your showers be showers of blessing!

coming soon:

*See Philippians 4:4-8

Copyright 2008 Susan Penner


Diana said...

Just followed facebook here...I didn't know you made soap!??!! How awesome!! Now, do you take orders for Christmas?
Diana Janzen

Susan said...

Hi Diana,
Well, yes (!) I'm taking orders for Christmas. You can see all the "soap styles" available if you look at my Greenfield Soap Co. Facebook Page. They are $6 each plus actual shipping (no shipping charge if you want me to hand deliver to Cheryl at Christmas). I'll also post the "soap styles" here on my blog shortly. Thanks for being my very first comment on my blog! You should get a free bar of soap for that; what kind would you like?



MichMacsMusings said...

you finally posted! i'm so proud of you and what a great post it was. have a blessed day!

Susan said...

Dear Lindsay,

Thanks for the encouragement! You have a gift for that!



Diana said...

I finally came back for my answer..and wow, I get a free bar of soap!!! Lucky girl, I am!
Let me do my shopping and I'll get back to you shortly!!!